Sunday, February 27, 2011

Daycare Lunch

I work an usual schedule so I am off around noon on Fridays. I went to pick up Christian at daycare early.  Everyone else was already done with lunch and laying down with the lights off for nap time.  But my son was sitting at the table, in the "dark" still eating his lunch and had quite a bit left to eat. I asked what was going on and they said he was just taking him time.  Really?!?!  He eats so fast at home but he piddles at daycare.  The lady told him when he was done it was time to go home. He stood up, spit out the food in his mouth all over the floor and ran for his coat.  So the part where he was excited to go home was heartwarming, but the spitting food all over the floor was not cool.  So while he was getting his coat, I cleaned up the mess while trying not to disrupt the other kids who were trying to nap.  The lady told me what time to come so I wouldn't arrive in the middle of things, but I think I need to arrive 5-10 minutes before when I did.

I was a little nervous because the chicken chunks on his plate were a little big, especially for him, who doesn't really chew all the well yet.  He ate everything else but not the meat and I think it might have been because it took too long to eat.  I think I'm going to ask her to cut his food into a little smaller pieces.  He didn't get to finish his lunch and when we got home he was really hungry.

Otherwise, he seems to be doing well at daycare and following the rules.  He runs to me when I pick him up so that is a good sign of bonding and leading to attachment!
This is a full week coming up, so hopefully it goes well.

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