Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Scratcher at Daycare

There's a 3 1/2 yr old girl at daycare that scratches the other kids.  I guess it's better than biting!
One Mom who's kid got scratched, told the kid who was doing the scratcher that is hurts her child and she doesn't like it.  The scratcher's parents have been told several times and have cut the kid's fingernails down to the nubs.  At least they are trying to do something, but the girl keeps doing it.  I'm not sure what provokes her.  When I picked up Christian yesterday, a Dad was holding his boy who was crying and the scratcher was sitting at a table looking like she got in trouble.  Personally I think the parents and/or daycare owner should have the girl wear cloth gloves or something until they get her bad habit under control! I just hope that Christian doesn't get scratched because I am not sure what he'll do.

In the orphanage he was in, they just let the kids duke it out, as long as no blood was flowing. Seriously!  I witnessed it myself if you recall from earlier blog entries.  He might just take her down to the floor, I don't know :)

Bragging moment......
They told me that he is the best at following the rules, helping pick up the toys and that they don't have to tell him twice. They also said they don't have to chase him around to get his diaper changed, they just tell him it's time and he goes straight to the changing area. Most of that behavior was taught to him in the orphanage but I'd like to think that I've taught him a few things :)

He is getting used to the new schedule, getting up early, but he is still exhausted when he gets home.  I want to put him to bed early so he can catch up on his sleep but I have such a short time from then and when I pick him up at daycare, and I miss him during the day, that I want to keep him up later to spend time with him. But for this week and maybe next week, I'll put him to bed early until he gets used to the new schedule and then I'll keep him up a little bit later so we can have some time together.  I am still concerned about our attachment forming, if it's forming correctly, what else I need to be doing, and having even less time now that I am back to work is hard for me.  But I am making the most of the time we have and we do have the weekends, so one day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy,
    I have enjoyed catching up on your adventures with Christian. He is such a cute little boy and you are such a great blogger. It sounds like both of you are doing so well--with transition and attaching.
    I can relate to so much of what you write about. I am a single mom and have had Hannah home for one year--she was almost 4 when I got her.
    She also had to work on gross motor skills like hopping, etc. I enrolled her in a soccer class just 6 weeks after getting home and we went to the first class--she was much like you little guy at his first class. I then saw my IA doctor shortly after that and she recommended not sending her to any organized activities with a teacher or coach that early--partly becaue she could not understand English well enough and might get frustrated but mostly for attachment reasons--to not introduce so many adults with authority into her life at first. So I quit taking her. Now one year later--she has been going to swimming lessons and church school and loves both. Her motor skills have progressed greatly and are nearly on track without much help. the biggest thing was just seeing other kids do stuff in daycare and wanting to do what they do.
    I can also relate to having so little time together after daycare. I hardly plan anything Monday thru Friday because we only have about 2-3 hours together each evening and I hate to infringe on that. I hate having her in daycare 9 hours every day but that is how our life needs to be. As you said, I am thankful for any time we have together and I cherish it so much.
    YOu are doing awesome. You and Christian are so blessed to have each other.
