Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sick, Sick, Sick

My poor angel is so sick! He caught it at the daycare test runs last week, darn it. He had one full day of official daycare and we stayed home sick today.  We got into the doctor to find: 103.5 temp, ear infection, runny nose and chest congestion. He is miserable!  He just lounged around all day, cat napping on and off, which is definitely not him. This was all between coughing bouts, sneezing and blowing nose. I feel so bad for him.

The doctor gave me medicine for his ear infection but not the "cold symptoms". So I found some all natural cough syrup expectorant at Walgreens and have given him that and it seems to be lessening his coughing bouts. I also have to give him Tylenol for his fever, which lowers it for a few hours and then the fever shoots back up again.  I hope the fever stays in check and he starts to feel better tomorrow.

Great, my first day back to work yesterday and now I'm gone again.  I hope they don't start thinking I'm going to be one of those problem employees.  I know kids catch all kinds of things at daycare and until they build up their immunity, they have to go through the sickness.  I just hope for Christian's sake, he builds up his immunity fast, I hate to see him so miserable.


  1. for his fever, you can give tylenol and then motrin 2 hours later, then Tylenol again 2hours later etc.. if his fever stays high like that. I don't even give my kids anything for a temp if it isn't over 102, so hopefully his sleeping will get him to feel better. good luck.

  2. I agree - you want to alternate between Tylenol and then Motrin. I haven't done it 2 hours apart, but you'd have to ask his doctor about the timing. Motrin is much better for aches and pains, so you want to be sure and use it. It comes in a liquid and my children like the taste. Poor little guy - you would think he would be used to germs living in the baby home. I guess these are nasty American germs! :) Hope he feels better soon - the Motrin will really help him.


  3. Huh - I learned something here! (the alternate between). One other thing I learned is vic's vapo rup on their feet with socks on. It absorbs and helps them breathe a bit easier - strange but true (google it!). It helped my guy for sure. There isn't much you can give the little ones when they have a cold but vics works! Good luck!
