Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Twinkle Twinkle

Oh, the mysterious power of music!  Whenever Christian is upset or doesn't want to go down for bedtime, while holding him I sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in his ear softly.  It always does the trick and calms him down (now watch, I probably just jinxed myself and it won't work now) :)  The other day, when he was manuervering his truck through the maze I made on the table, he was just chillin' and started singing.  You guessed it, Twinkle Twinkle.  He sang the first phrase, the whole thing!  That's the most words he has put together yet!  I sat there staring at him, not sure I really heard what I just heard.  The second phrase he just mumbled the words but did have the tune correct.  I got up and raced for the video camera.

As is typical with him, he stops what he was doing, that I wanted to video, and won't do it again, just looks at me.  So I causally sat down, hiding the video camera, and we started playing again.  He started singing and I whipped out the camera and caught the moment!!!!!!  WooooHooooo!!!!!!!!!  It just goes to show you that stuff does sink into those little brain sponges.  This is proof, because he had the words and was singing off key....just like he hears me do :)  Ok so I'm not that bad but I'm no Carrie Underwood either.

He is learning more and more words at daycare, "no" being his best pronounced word and most used at the moment...sigh.  I could have sworn he said "damn" today, but then again he says other words that sound bad but he's really trying to say the correct word.  And no, for those of you who know me, he did NOT hear "damn" from me....I go into the other room and spout off where he can't hear me. Hey, everyone has a weakness or two. The other day we were making our rounds through the store aisles and he says "f*ck", or at least it sounded exactly like that.  I look around to see what he is pointing at and it's plastic FORKS!  So for now, we just skip the fork and move right on to saying "knife" and "spoon".  Yikes!
Never a dull moment :)

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