Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Well we have had multiple bumps of various kinds that last several days.
I missed my little guy when I didn't get to spend Friday afternoon with me, like I usually do, so I gave us both an ice cream treat. Hey ice cream has calcium, so it wasn't all bad.

While running errands on Saturday, Christian was a wiggling thing and he managed to twist my back while I was holding him, making it sore. So when I lifted him up into his car seat, I was off balance and bonked his head on the top edge of the car.  I felt so bad, as least he didn't cry.

Then Sunday he was messing around in the church pew and yes, slipped on the kneeler, down he goes and up his voice rose.  So out into the hall we go, which is our usual routine lately at church.  Someday we'll make it through a whole mass :) On the way out, I blessed myself with the holy water and blessed Christian (he doesn't do it himself yet).  A man nearby, said "good job mom" to me. That little comment gave me the pick me up I needed. Yes I AM doing some things right! Then he laughed and said, "in another year you won't be able to keep him out of it." So true.

Tonight however topped the cake in the way of bumps.  Yep, I left a mark. ~sigh~  We were tickling and he got away from me and off the couch. He was standing in front of me, with his back to me. I reached around and tickled his tummy and he doubled over, like he usually does. Now normally this would be fine, except he whacked his forehead on the coffee table in front of him. I felt so incredibly bad, I should have thought first but we were wound up. Of course he cried, I held him and now he has a blue-ish bump on his forehead that I'm sure will be more visible tomorrow morning.  Guess I have to wait on getting his "professional" photo taken...again.

Well they weren't the first bumps he's had and they won't be the last. Mommy needs to be more careful!

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