Thursday, January 6, 2011

Progressing with Bathtime

Well I do believe we are moving into a more positive direction regarding bathtime. Last night he didn't scream or cry at all when I first put him in the bathtub.  I figured out that he doesn't like the bath toys, I think he's afraid of them.  So in he goes, nothing but bubbles.  He did ok when I slowly poured water over him which is a first. Then I started washing his legs, still ok, but started quietly whimpering, then by the time I reached his arms and back he was yelling and crying again.  But at least we had some relaxed time first.

He had discovered my tupperware cabinet, drags it out everyday and loves to play with it.  I am going to try the suggestion of pouring water from one bowl to another, then take them into the bathtub and see if that works for us....fingers crossed!

Thanks everyone for reading my blog as well as commenting! I have gained some wonderful insights and gotten great advice from the comments......truly appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried to take a bath with him??? When my son was really little he loved this and maybe Christian would see it as fun instead of you washing him? Just a thought!! You can wear a swimsuit or something if you don't want to be nakey.
