Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Going to Russia!

YAY!!!!  I decided yesterday to accept to travel and meet my little boy referral!  As you know, I have been agonizing over some medical tests I was waiting on answers for.  Well I got them and the three doctors I had look at them say they look good.  There is always a chance for something else, but I have asked and gotten as much information as absolutely possible. I got the final doctor evaluation on Monday and let my rep know Tuesday morning that I want to travel.  She tells me that they want me there fast so I leave pretty soon - due to security I don't want to annouce the exact dates :)

Now I am rushing around getting my visa and travel arrangements made.  After that I will tackle the list of what to pack. I did learn from the first trip what I took but didn't need so that's good.  He is 16 mo. old already!  If I accept him, then I'll return home to more paperwork, wait 2-4 months for a court date and then return to the 10 day mandatory waiting period and bring him home!
I am SO excited but also a nervous wreck!  I pray he is the one because I am out of money and more than likely won't be able to continue the adoption if I don't come home with an acceptance.  So everyone send me your prayers please!!!


  1. I hope everything will workout for you!!!! Good Luck!!!

  2. So happy this all worked out!!! I hope everything goes great in Russia! Good luck!

  3. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!! :) Lots of prayers here as you know.

  4. Have a great trip, take lot's of photos. My prayers are with you.

  5. Yea!! Praying for a fabulous outcome with this trip!! :o)

  6. Amy this is AMAZING news!!! I'm so excited for you, congrats on the good IA Dr reports! Keep us posted, thinking of you, wishing you smooth travels.
    cheers, deb
