Thursday, June 16, 2011

Talk, Talk, Talk

Christian is talking so much more and clearer than ever.  I need to be very careful, he is starting to repeat alot of what I say!  We were driving on the on ramp to the interstate and quickly came to a slow roll because traffic was so backed up.  Now I tend to talk to myself anyway, so in typical Amy fashion, I softly say, "man, look at this traffic."  From the back seat a little voice says, as clear as a bell, "look at traffic." I asked him what he said and he repeated it to my delight. Then I said, "get out of our way."  He repeats that, again as clear as can be, accompanied with arm gestures that resembled an umpire calling someone safe at home plate.  It was so cute and fun that I kept asking him to do it again!

While I was distracted with this phenomenom of Christian talk, I was turned around looking at him, which what felt like mere seconds, while I was still rolling in the traffic.  At this point in my story telling, I know people are saying things like, "that's dumb," "what was she thinking," "she's not being very safe," etc.  I agree with you.  I turned back and didn't see the license plate of the car in front of me, which translates to, I was WAY too close to them!  I slammed on the breaks, even though I was just rolling, but the shock of seeing myself that close, caused the reaction. As the goosebumps immediately appeared on my arms, my heart stops, I semi-shout, "shit!"  Sigh, yes it's true, you know he heard me, and yes he repeated me.  "Shit" came out of my little angel's cupid lipped mouth, followed by a proud grin.  I had been praising him over and over for his earlier pronunciation so I'm sure he thought he did a good job again.  Yes he did an extremely good job of saying it very clearly, much to my dismay.

So I stated the age old phrase, "Christian, that's a bad word, please don't say it again.  Mommy should not have said that bad word."  This was Tuesday and I haven't heard it again, daycare hasn't heard it, so I pray it's left his mind. Deep breath before I say things :)  He does however repeat, "look at traffic," when we're in the car, which I find entertaining.  Then when we're at a stop light, he says, "out of our way,"  Uuummmm.....potential road rage in the future for him???  We laugh about it and make it a joke and I take this moment to remind him that a red light means stop and we get to go when the light turns green.  He then intently watching the stop light and when it turns, he shouts, "GO!"  He's learning so fast and it's amazing to be a part of it, to be teaching him, watching him learn and seeing the wonder in his eyes of all the new things he's experiencing.
God has blessed me.


  1. Yeah talking has got to be the most fun part! I call my son My Little Parrot!

  2. Glad to hear of Christian's language explosion and that the new daycare is going well!!

    I caught myself the other day while driving..I thought to myself, I better watch it, or my future 2 y/o will have some colorful language =).
