Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Big Times

A few BIG moments....
We went to Forest Park on Sunday to meet my nephew and his fiance to play. We had a nice long walk, sat by the Great Basin fountains and Christian watched the ducks.  One got pretty close but not close enough to pet, much to my relief.  I had an "incident" as a child with a goose and it has left it's mark regarding most bird like animals. However I am trying not to pass that fear on to Christian.  Though as a 6 yr old, the memory of a HUGE white goose chasing my friend and I, as we fell over each other, scrambling to get up and run from this evil hissing honking beast, is imbedded in my mind forever.  And to think, all we wanted to do was to pet the nice "goosey" as my Grandma said we could do.  Oh yeah, Grandpa and she were laughing their butts off sitting on the bench!

As we walk through the park, we cross several bridges, saw flowers, dogs and kids. Our BIG moment came when we sat on a small section of concrete where a little stream ran under the sidewalk.  We dangled our feet in the water but Christian was having none of it. So I decided to be a little aggressive, took off his shoes (yes he was protesting) and dipped his feet in the water. He yelped so I put his shoes right back on and of course after that, he wanted to do it again!  When I made a move for his shoes, he bolts.  Good thing cousin Adam was there to chase him :)  Christian loves to play or walk outside, either one, just as long as he's outside.

Monday was good, went for a walk after work and "played soccer" in the back yard. I managed to convince him for about 5 minutes, that pulling weeds out of my flower bed was a fun game :) Then the neighbor dogs were let out, Christian freaked, so inside we go, only to go out the front and go for a short walk around the block. Birds just keep diving at us, wherever we go, I swear!  They freak Christian out and then he wants me to carry him. Well ok, birds freak me out too.

As most of you know, I am not too happy with my current daycare.  My friend Julie, gave me a recommendation that I followed up on.  We took the tour last night, talked to a teacher and one owner and had a distinct feeling that this is the place Christian needs to be.  The owner called me back tonight, talked to me a bit more, told me what openings she had when and the cost.  The cost is quite a bit more than I currently pay which will make the purse strings even tighter, but it is the best thing for Christian and he comes first. Tonight I accepted the position she has opening in June. Thanks so much Julie!  BIG happiness and relief!  I feel so good about this change, and I know it will be another adjustment for Christian, after he's had so many in the last four months, but overall this will be much, much better for him.  Prayers for Christian to transition well would be appreciated :)



  1. I am sooooo happy to hear that! I don't think he'll have a problem adjusting. Maybe just a little bit, but he'll be so much happier - and healthier. The current one must not do too much to try to kill germs. I can't believe how sick he has been since he came home. What a drag that you have to wait until June, I hope he is really loved at his new daycare!


  2. I have been paying a TON of money to have someone watch Zachary 2 days a week in my home because he couldn't handle being at day care 5 days a week. It's hard but totally worth it if you can swing it. I keep telling myself that this phase too shall pass and soon he'll be in school and I can relax a little.

  3. Hi Amy,
    So glad you found an answer to your daycare situation. I am paying for a very expensive daycare for Hannah too and my budget feels so strapped but it has been good for her and I don't regret it for a minute. She just turned 5 and after researching Kindergarten options for her I decided to keep her at her current daycare--they offer private kindergarten. It is much more expensive than other kindergarten options but I really feel it is the best for her and that makes it the best for me. It is worth any cost to know that your kid is well cared for by people you trust.
