Monday, October 24, 2011

No Pee on Tree

Well I got a laugh tonight!  Christian is talking much better but it sometimes still takes some probing and guessing to figure out what he is saying. Tonight was one of those times.

He was saying what I thought was, "pink tree", which made absolutely no sense at all.  Then the name of one of the boys at school entered into the phrase, which I could clearly understand.  I kept saying things like, "pink tree? climb tree? pretty tree?" hoping I would eventually hit on the right one.  I kept having him repeat it, which made him huff in frustration. He paused, gazed off into space, and I could almost hear him thinking out loud, "how can I make her get what I am saying, what's wrong with her hearing."

After this pause, he said very clearly, "pee in toilet, no tree."  My eyes widened and I threw my head back and laughed because I figured out what he was trying to tell me.  The boy at school peed on the tree and the teacher told him they only pee in the toilet!  I said this to Christian, his face broke into a smile because I finally got it.  Then he said, " (boy's name) peed on a tree. Only pee in toilet."  Then he quickly and firmly said, "I peed on toilet, not on tree." GOOD BOY!  I can just picture it, they're all outside playing and this kid figures, what the heck, and does his business.  It cracks me up, you just never know what will happen in a preschool :)

We've been super busy this past week and weekend.  I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, I'm watching the World Series.  GO CARDINALS!!!!!!


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