Sunday, June 27, 2010

Medical Info Evaluation

I finally got the contradictory medical information verified on my little boy referral. So I sent it off right away to the IA doctor for review and hope to hear back tomorrow.  I then had to send a notarized letter to the Russian Dept. of Education Director to request an extension on the time to respond to them.  I just wish they would provide ALL the detailed medical information on the child up front.  It is so stressful anyway and then to have to continually ask for all the information over and over is just added stress.  But that's how it is so I just need to be patient and focused on the end result.

They are going to do two additional tests on the boy at the end of the month, (hello, that's like now right?) so they tell me. I would like to have those results before I make my final decision to travel or not but am not sure they will give them to me. In either case, I will know this week whether I will be traveling to see this little boy. I am excited but reserved because I am scared the same thing will happen again. I can't afford to waste money on another trip to Russia that is not successful, but more importantly, it is so emotional declining a child and I don't want to go through that again.  God willing, this is the child for me!

1 comment:

  1. I agree Amy, all info should be provided up front. From what I know, the Russian MOE has a rule that no information can be given to a pre adoptive parent before travel. Supposedly, the info PAPs request is given under the table, its done by the orphanage to the agency. So when you finally get in front of the Ministy of Education rep you are supposed to pretend you have not received any info on the child! There is often a push to travel or decide whether or not to travel soon after receiving a referral... I certainly understand the stress and I'm thinking of you and hoping he's the one! In any case, when you travel next you should push to see more children if needed until you find your child.
